Callan Method
Callan Method is one of the most popular teaching system used in the language schools around the world. It was introduced by English linguist - Robin Callan in 1960. At first, it was used in the army to learn soldiers spoken language in a short time.
This method of foreign languages teaching is based on a hard work in the classroom, focusing on the conversation, as well as on revisions. There is no need to do any homework, however for those who want to accelerate the process of learning the language, additional exercises involving the use of the recordings are designed.
The purpose of the Callan method is to achieve understanding of the spoken language at the optimum rate, that means at the same rate as the native language, which is minimum of 180 words per minute. Callan Method is used to teach English language.
Described method is based on the assumption that the more you repeat the material, the more you learn. Highly effective language learning is achieved mainly through the constant repetition of the same questions until “bombed” student will understand the question and the answer to it in a short time. Typically, a teacher achieves this goal after 4-5 repetitions. In addition, the teacher corrects the current errors and is speaking faster than some natives (about 240 words per minute).
This method considerably reduces the time spend on learning foreign language. Learning should be fast as well as speaking and listening. In this way we avoid thinking in our native language. The material is divided into small parts. Each one ends with an exam. This approach helps to adjust students to appropriate group depending on their language level. Participants of the course are talking and listening during the classes, thus they are taking an active part in learning and also fight their shyness and achieve fluency.
Callan method is suitable for all people, regardless of age, nationality or individual language skills. Young people will not be bored thanks to dynamic learning and the elder students will not have any problems with remembering of the material through constant repetition system.
Callan method performance ranks very high, its popularity in language schools around the world also confirms this fact. It is a leading technology of foreign language learning which guarantees passing Cambridge exams.